"卢慕施 槟城浮罗人,祖籍广东惠州,客家人。
槟城水墨画协会第一副会长, 槟城文华国际狮子会2018/2019会长
早期毕业于台北设计专业学院, 主修新娘礼服设计、舞台服装设计、水墨画、彩墨、水彩、胶彩、油画及陶瓷制作。曾多次各人画展及参与国内外联展、师生慈善义展等。
Loo Moh See, born in Penang, Malaysia, ancestral home in Huizhou, Guangdong. A Hakka. Host and painting instructor of "Si Xuan Studio" in Penang. Graduated from Taipei Institue of Design in her early year, majoring in bridal dress design, stage costume design, drawing, ink painting and etc Motive: Self-conscious and self-cultivation towards painting. There is no shortcut for painting, you must have patience, persistence and perseverance. To seek a further breakthrough from Tradition to modern Ink colour style, draw with own vitality to make painting looks more outstanding. To promoting of Chinese culture is my main motivation, I will try my effect to contribute to the community that loves Chinese culture.
Art Gallery Member:
Balai Seni Lukis Negari National Art Gallery
Hong Kong International Women Aritist Member
Penang State Museum Art Callery
Penang Art Society
Penang Chinese brunch Painting Society
Penang Balik Pulau Art Society
Malaysian Females Artists Society
Sprouts Art Station
Several time joining Local and Overseas and Hong Kong Womene Cooperation Exhibition, Art Works are Selected in Taipei Overseas and Local Exhibition.
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