Jason Min 火柴人

火柴人,  原名jason min陈维铭 ,来自槟城的一位艺术创作者, 他的火柴人人物灵感是来自家庭亲情的情意念 和人生哲学的理念塑造出来. 

他的座右铭: 天生火柴, 必有所用 

描述每一个人都是火柴人 从一支火柴支 到点燃 再到发光 和最后的熄灭  这就像人生旅途的起伏到终点 本是一种人生乐事 只要坚持信念  人生肯定没有给你白活  

The little matches ,  so called 火柴人  Formerly known as jason min an art creator from Penang, His matches  characters are inspired by family affection and the concept of philosophy of life shaped out  

His motto: 
A match is born, it will be useful  

Describe everyone as a matches. From a match to igniting to glowing and finally extinguishing. It's like the ups and downs of life's journey to the end. It's a joy in life  just keep the faith. Life certainly didn't live in vain for you.

相思河畔 , 纸本设色 水墨 Chinese ink & color, 68cm x 68cm, RM4800
Description: 相思河畔- 月色如镜之下 , 荷花相伴,人却思念着过去的自己,期待着未来的奢望爱, 这是现实人的生活状态

乐 自在, 纸本设色, 166cm x 39cm, RM3000

Group Exhibition 2022 @ The Art Gallery, Penang.
Full And Harmony, Chinese Ink on rice paper, 70cm x 70cm, COLLECTED