Category: Ng Chin Yee

  • Ng Chin Yee 黄静忆

    个人简介 -艺术工作者/导师/画家 -{思•忆•书}美术馆创办人/院长 -“心连艺术你和我”艺术展发起人 艺术专业 擅长于油画,压克力画,水彩画,水墨画,蜡笔画,咖啡画,素描,曼陀罗,禅绕,环保手工等等。 Borned and raised in “Raintown” Malaysia, people commonly greet me as Chin Yee, and “Ng” is my surname. I learnt art since I was a kid and along the way, I found my passion in art hence went to learn deeper and becoming an reputable Artist is my dream. Sense…