Dear members, You are cordially invited to exhibit your artwork for BPart@DUN, an art exhibition at the Dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau Pinang. This is an open exhibition to all members of Penang Balik Pulau Art Society, for you to promote and sell your artwork at this prominent location. The theme is “A touch of art” . All kind of artworks and genres (which do not infringe on any religious, culture, or political beliefs) are welcome. Our mission is to enhance the impression of local artists, and elevate the level of art’s awareness of the public. Hence, we urge our members to showcase your best artwork, with various medium. Terms & Conditions: 1. Measurement (including frame) 2D width: minimum 30cm, maximum 100cm 3D width / height: not more than 50cm 2. Submission of artwork is to be sent via digital image, complete with artist’s details and artwork description. Google form link will be published in whatsapp group (email only upon request) 3. Submission before 22nd February 2023. 4.Selected artwork should be delivered to DUN PP on the dates to be announced by organizer. Chargeable third party delivery and collection from DUN PP can be arranged if needed. 5. The organizer reserve the right to use the image of the artwork submitted and approved for the purpose of promotion and marketing. 6. Only ONE artwork per member for submission. 7. The artwork submission is for artwork created in 2020-2023 only. 8. Administration fee charges for the exhibition is RM100. Payable to Public Bank account: 3820983929 Persatuan Kesenian Balik Pulau Pulau Pinang. 9. Commission is 30% from the sales of the artwork to the society. 10. Artwork submitted after the due date will not be entertained. No refund for any cancellation, withdrawal or disqualified due to late submission. 11. The committee reserve the right to make any amendment of the terms & conditions without prior notice.
BPart@DUN 1-9 April 2023 诚邀本会会员参与将于4月1日至9日在槟州州立法议会厅 Dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau Pinang 的艺术展。这是一次难得的机会让会员们可以在槟州政府最高机构向大众展示本会会员们的艺术作品,希望会员们踊跃参加。 此次展览的主题为 ”艺动的心“。 我们欢迎各项艺术作品,各媒介体,平面或立体雕塑。(但请避免触碰敏感的宗教,种族和政治课题) BP艺术展的宗旨是让提高大众对本土艺术家的印象,以及提高大众对艺术品的喜爱。因此,本会欢迎会员们使出各位的看家本领,展出最完美艺术作品。 参展条例: 1. 尺寸 (含框) 平面艺术品 宽: 最少30cm ,最大100cm 立体艺术品 宽与高在50cm内 2. 必须用谷歌表格报名。链接会在群组发布。 3.报名截止为2023年2月22日。 4.艺术家需在指定的日期将作品送到展厅。如须要帮忙载送服务,主办方可以安排第三方服务,艺术家负责运输费。 5. 主办方有权使用参展作品图像作为宣传目的,参展方不得反对。 6. 每位会员只可以参展一幅作品。 7. 参展作品必须是3年内作品 (2020-2023) 8. 参展费为马币100元。请汇款大众银行(协会的新户口号码) Public Bank account: 3820983929 Persatuan Kesenian Balik Pulau Pulau Pinang. 9. 如参展作品成功售出,协会将抽成30% 10. 报名截止后,报名链接将会关闭。 届时不会在接受任何报名,敬请留意。 报名后如果退展, 报名费也无法退还,敬请原谅。 11. 主办方有权在无通知下更改以上条例。